Sustainable development is defined as “development that meets the current need without reducing the capability of the next generation to meet their need (UNCED, 1992). To ensure that a development process is sustainable, we need to integrate economic development, social development and ecological conservation in a balanced and stable equilibrium. Thus sustainable development refers to continuous and balanced efforts that are neither directed towards an extremism of economic exploitation, nor toward social and or ecological extremism.

Sustainable development recognizes two types of requirements (conditional), namely soft prerequisite and hard prerequisite (Wibowo, 2002). The application of both soft and hard prerequisites should be adjusted to the local condition being faced. A development process often brings about various problems, which eventually results in a very serious policy issue. And therefore, there should be balanced and synergic step among the state, business people and civil activists in order that they could choose an optimum strategic and policy choice.

It is in this context that Dradjad Wibowo Foundation (Yayasan Dradjad Wibowo /YDW) develops a strong commitment to motivate a sustainable development implementation, as materialized in humanitarian activities, including, among others, activities relating to environmental sustainability. In the framework of the said environmental sustainability, the Foundation motivates, develops and implements sustainable development programs, both nationally and globally through the establishment of a non-profit institution that should herein after be referred to as Sustainable Development Indonesia (SDI).

The objective of SDI is to conserve environment both nationally and globally through the implementation of sustainable development.
The mission of SDI is to participate actively in the effort to conserve the environment, among others, by motivating, developing and implementing sustainable development programs in all sectors, by prioritizing scientific, objective, inclusive/participatory and balanced/fair approach.

As a non-profit institution under the legal umbrella of Dradjad Wibowo Foundation (Yayasan Dradjad Wibowo/YDW), SDI is active in mining, forestry, marine, carbon, and other natural resources.

Programs of Sustainable Development Indonesia (SDI) include education, research, capacity development, socialization and campaign, standardization and certification, as well as transfer and technology application programs.


"Development Never Puts Our Planet at Risk of Self-Destruction, Our Greed Does"
- Dradjad H. Wibowo -


Sustainable Forest Management

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About SDI

Sustainable development is defined as “development that meets the current need without reducing the capability of the next generation to meet their need (UNCED, 1992)


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Jl.Rasamala No.68A
Ciomas,Bogor Jawa Barat 16610

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Email: sdi@sdi.or.id